TEL. 81-3-5315-4090
〒160-8582 35 Shinanomachi, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo 160-8582 JAPAN
Hishikawa S, To H, Kobayashi E, Uchida H, Fujimura A.: Chronotoxicity of
Mizoribine under a repeated administration in the rat. Transplant Proc.
1999; 31(7): 2765-2766.
2. Horie H, Kanazawa K, Kobayashi E, Okada M, Fujimura A, Yamagiwa S, Abo
T.:Effect of intestinal bacteria on the development of colonic neoplasm
II. Changes in the immunological environment. Eur J Cancer Prev. 1999;
3. Hosoya Y, Kitoh Y, Kobayashi E, Okabe R, Fujimura A, Kanazawa K.: Combination
effects of tamoxifen plus 5-fluorouracil on gastric cancer cell lines in
vitro. Cancer Letters. 1999; 140(1-2): 139-143.
4. Hozumi Y, Kawano M, Kobayashi E, Miyata M, Jordan VC.: Change of lipid
metabolism by tamoxifen. Int J Clin Oncol. 1999; 4: 121-122. (Letter)
5. Hozumi Y, Kobayashi E, Miyata M, Fujimura A.: Immunotherapy for experimental
rat autoimmune thyroiditis using a novel immunosuppressant, FTY720. Life
Sci. 1999; 65(17): 1739-1745.
6. Kawahito K, Kobayashi E, Iwasa H, Misawa Y, Fuse K.: Platelet aggregation
during cardiopulmonary bypass evaluated by a Laser-light Scattering method.
Ann Thorac Surg. 1999; 67(1): 79-84.
Kita J, Ogino Y, Kobayashi E, Fujimura A, Kogure H.: Effect of tacrolimus
on small and large bowel anastomoses in the rat. Transplant Proc. 1999;
8. Kobayashi E, Lord R, Green M, Kamada N, Toyama N, Miyata M, Fujimura A.:
The fate of donor splenic lymphocytes in a long-surviving host after combined
pancreas/spleen transplantation in the rat. Transplant Proc. 1999; 31(6):2665-2667.
9. Kobayashi E, Lord R, Green M, Walker NI, Kamada N, Uchida H, Fujimura A.:
Detection of membrane-bound and the soluble-form of MHC Class I antigen
from rat pancreas/spleen grafts under ongoing rejection. Transplant Proc.
1999; 31(8):3409-3413.
Mizuta K, Hishikawa S, Yoshida T, Kobayashi E, Uchida H, Fujimura A, Kawaraasaki
H, Hashizume K.: Survival of rats undergoing continuous bile drainage dependents
upon maintenance of circadian rhythm of bile secretion. Chronobiol Int.
1999; 16(6):759-765.
11. Mizuta K, Kobayashi E, Uchida H, Fujimura A, Kawarasaki H, Hashizume K.:
Influence of tacrolimus on bile acid and lipid composition in continuously
drained bile using a rat model. Comparative study with cyclosporine. Transplant
Int. 1999; 12(5):316-322.
12. Mizuta K, Kobayashi E, Uchida H, Ogino Y, Fujimura A, Kawarasaki H, Hashizume
K.: Cyclosporine inhibits transport of bile acid in rats :Comparison of
bile acid composition between liver and bile. Transplant Proc. 1999; 31(7):2755-2756.
Mizuta K, Ohmori M, Miyashita F, Kito A, Fujimura A, Mori M, Kanno T, Hashizume
K, Kobayashi E.: Effect of pretreatment of FTY720 and cyclosporine on ischemia-reperfusion
injury of the liver in rats. J Pharm Pharmacol. 1999; 51(12):1423-1428.
14. Ogino Y, Kobayashi E, Fujimura A.: Comparison of cyclosporin A and tacrolimus
concentrations in whole blood between jejunal and ileal transplanted rats.
J Pharm Pharmacol. 1999; 51(7): 811-815.
15. Ogino Y, Kobayashi E, Kita J, Fujimura A, Kogure H.: The site of absorption
of cyclosporine A in the small intestine of the rat -A preliminary report-.
Transplant Proc. 1999; 31(6): 2659-2660.
16. Ohmori M, Harada K, Tsuruoka S, Sugimoto K, Kobayashi E, Fujimura A.: Levothyroxine-induced
liver dysfunction in a primary hypothyroid patient. Endocrine Journal.
1999; 46(4):579-583.
17. Saito T, Kobayashi E, Ogino Y, Kaneko K, Fujimura A, Miyata M.: Change
in fecal fat excretion from allo-intestine transplanted rats after discontinuance
of immunosuppressive agents. J Gastroenterology. 1999; 34(2): 182-188.
18. Uchida H, Kobayashi E, Matsuda K, Mizuta K, Sugimoto K, Kawarasaki H, Hashizume
K, Fujimura A.: Chronopharmacology for deoxyspergualin: toxicity and efficacy
in the rat. Transplantation. 1999; 67(9): 1269-1274.
19. Uchida H, Kobayashi E, Ogino Y, Mizuta K, Hashizume K, Fujimura A.: Experimental
intestinal transplantation using mouse fetal intestine in the rat: Combination
effect of FK506 with cyclophosphamide. Transplant Proc. 1999; 31(7):2799-2800.
20. Uchida H, Kobayashi E, Ogino Y, Mizuta K, To H, Okabe R, Hashizume K, Fujimura
A.: Chronopharmacology of tacrolimus in rats -Toxicity and efficacy in
a mouse-to-rat intestinal transplant model and its pharmacokinetic profile.
Transplant Proc. 1999; 31(7):2751-2753.
21. Uchida H, Kobayashi E, Yanagisawa K, Mizuta K, Kitoh Y, Fujimura A, Tominaga
S, Kawarasaki H, Hashizume K.: Experimental small bowel transplantation
using newborn intestine in rats: II. Revascularization of newborn intestine
is independent of vascular endothelial growth factor. J Pedia Surg. 1999;
22. Uchida H, Yoshida T, Kobayashi E, Mizuta K, Fujimura A, Miyata M, Kawarasaki
H, Hashizume K.: Experimental small bowel transplantation using newborn
intestine in rats: I. Lipid absorption was restored after transplantation
of nonvascularized graft. J Pedia Surg. 1999; 34(6): 1007-1011.
23. Yoshida T, Uchida H, Kobayashi E, Fujimura A, Miyata M.: Experimental small
bowel transplantation using newborn intestine in rats. -Some immunological
studies and considerations for immunological advantage-. Jpn J Transplant.
1999; 34: 165-173.
35 Shinanomachi, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo 160-8582 JAPAN
TEL 81-3-5315-4090
FAX 81-3-5315-4089