TEL. 81-3-5315-4090
35 Shinanomachi, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo 160-8582 JAPAN
Bozkurt A, Lassner F, O'Dey D, Deumens R, Böcker A, Schwendt T, Janzen
C, Suschek CV, Tolba R, Kobayashi E, Sellhaus B, Tholl S, Eummelen L, Schügner
F, Damink LO, Weis J, Brook GA, Pallua N.: The role of micristructured
and interconnected pore channels on a collagen-based nerve guide on axonal
regeneration in peripheral nerves. Biomaterials. 2012; 33(5):1363-1375.
Iwai S, Kikuchi T, Kasahara N, Teratani T, Yokoo T, Sakonju I, Okano S,
Kobayashi E.: Impact of Normothermic Preservation with Extracellilar Type
Solution Containing Trehalose on Rat Kidney Grafting from a Cardiac Death
Donor. PLoS ONE. 2012; 7(3): e33157.
3. Konno K, Nakanishi K, Hishikawa S, Tanaka H, Yoshikawa T, Yasuda Y, Kobayashi E, Lefor AT.: Cryo-preserved porcine kidneys are feasible for teaching and training renal biopsy: "The Bento Kidney". Transplant Res. 2012; 1(1):5.
Kobayashi E, Hishikawa S, Teratani T, Lefor AT.: The pig as a model for
translational research: overview of porcine animal models at Jichi Medical
University. Transplant Res. 2012; 1(1):8. (Review)
Krause M, Ganser C, Kobayashi E, Papazoglou A, Nikkhah G.: The Lewis GFP Transgenic Rat Strain Is a Useful Cell Donor For Neural Transplantation. Cell Transplant. 2012; 21(9):1837-1851.
Madoiwa S, Kobayashi E, Kashiwakura Y, Sakata A, Yasumoto A, Ohmori T,
Mimuro J, Sakata Y.: Immune response against serial infusion of dactor
VIII antigen through an implantable venous-access device system in haemophilia
A mice. Haemophilia, 2012; 18(3):e323–e330.
Masuda T, Muto S, Fujisawa G, Iwazu Y, Kimura M, Kobayashi K, Nonaka-Sarukawa
M, Sasaki N, Watanabe Y, Shinohara M, Murakami T, Shimada K, Kobayashi
E, Kusano E.: Heart angiotensi n Ⅱ-induced cardiomyocyte hypertrophy suppresses
coronary angiogenesis and progresses diabetic cardiomyopathy. Am J Physiol
Heart Circ Physiol. 2012; 1:302(9):H1871-1883.
8. Matsuda S, Yokoo T, Sugimoto N, Doi M, Fujishiro S, Takeuchi K, Kobayashi E, Hanazono Y.: A Simplified In Vitro Teratoma Assay for Pluripotent Stem Cells Injected Into Rodent Fetal Organs. Cell Medicine 2012; pp.103-112 (10)
Matsui A, Yokoo H, Negishi Y, Endo-Takahashi Y, Chun NA, Kadouchi I, Suzuki R, Maruyama K, Aramaki Y, Semba K, Kobayashi E, Takahashi M, Murakami T.:
CXCL17 expression by tumor cells recruits CD11b+Gr1 high F4/80- cells and promotes tumor progression. PLoS One. 2012; 7(8):e44080.
Matsumoto K, Yokoo T, Matsunari H, Iwai S, Yokote S, Teratani T, Gheisari
Y, Tsuji O, Okano H, Utsunomiya Y, Hosoya T, Okano HJ, Nagashima H, Kobayashi
E.: Xenotransplanted embryonic kidney provides a niche for endogenous mesenchymal
stem cell differentiation into erythropoietin-producing tissue. Stem cell.
2012; 30(6):1228-1235.
11. Murakami T, Kobayashi E.: GFP-transgenic animals for in vivo imaging: rats, rabbits and pigs. Methods Mol Biol. 872:177-189, 2012 (Book)
12. Nakamura T, Sekiya I, Muneta T, Hatsushika D, Horie M, Tsuji K, Kawarasaki T, Watanabe A, Hishikawa S, Fujimoto Y, Tanaka H, Kobayashi E.: Arthroscopic, histological, and MRI analyses of cartilage repair after a minimally invasive method of transplantation of allogeneic synovial mesenchymal stem cells into cartilage defects in pigs. Cytotherapy. 2012; 14(3):327-338.
Teratani T, Matsunari H, Kasahara N, Nagasima H, Kawarasaki T, Kobayashi
E.: Islets from rats and pigs transgenic for photogenic proteine. Curr
Diabetes Rev. 2012; 8(5):382-389. (Review)
Tsuji N, Yamashita S, Sugawara Y, Kobayashi E.: Effect of prolonged ischaemic
time on muscular atrophy and regenerating nerve fibres in transplantation
of the rat hind limb. J Plast Surg Hand Surg. 2012; 46(3-4): 217-221.
Yamaoka I, Kikuchi T, Arata T, Kobayashi E.: Organ preservation using a photosynthetic solution. Transplant Res. 2012; 1(1):2.
Teratani T, Kobayashi E.:
17. Walters EM, Wolf E, Whyte JJ, Mao J, Renner S, Nagashima H, Kobayashi E, Zhao J, Wells KD, Crister JK, Riley LK, Prather RS.:Completion of the swine genome will simplify the production of swine as a large animal biochemical model. BMC Med Genomics. 2012; 15:5:55. doi: 10.1186/1755-8794-5-55 (Review)
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